The 8th AABC Europe event, held in January 2018 in Mainz, Germany, was the largest AABC event ever with 1,000 attendees from 35 countries taking part in interactive discussions on the development and future market trends for vehicle electrification. This record attendance reflected recent announcements from several European nations as well as automotive OEMs committing to vehicle electrification. A consistent theme throughout the four-day event established that it is no longer a question of if vehicle electrification will take place in Europe, but when it will take place.
In-depth sessions spanning battery chemistry, engineering, raw materials, lead acid, charging, and supercapacitors, as well as high-volume xEV and specialty automotive applications highlighted needs and advances from OEMs and across the value chain. Formal papers and panel discussions were complimented by 80 posters and networking roundtables facilitated by our speaking faculty.
2018 Programs
2018 Plenary Sessions: xEV Market Expansion & Logistics for Vehicle Electrification

Renault EV and Its Battery
Masato Origuchi, Electrical Energy Storage System Expert, Renault

Assessment of Direction and Requirements for PEV Market Expansion
Stephanie Schenk, Senior Research Analyst, Advanced Industries - Automotive & Assembly, McKinsey & Company

Can California and the Federal Government Get Along? The Future of GHG, CAFE and ZEV Regulations for Light-Duty Vehicles
Robert Bienenfeld, Assistant Vice President, American Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

Developments in EU Policy and Implications for the Electrification of Transport
Greg Archer, Program Manager, European Federation for Transport & Environment (T&E)

The Low Emission Mobility Package and Implications for the Battery Market in the EU
Stefaan Vergote, Advisor Dir. C Climate Strategy, Governance and Emissions of Non-Trading Sectors, DG Climate Action, European Commission

Legal Aspects of High-Voltage Battery Safety
Juergen Wilhelmy, Product Safety HV Battery, Audi AG

What’s the Next Step? Proposed & Forecasted Future Changes in the Chinese xEV/Battery Market
Mark Lu, Ph.D., Certified Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEKC), Industrial Technology & Research Institute (ITRI)

Transport Regulations for Li-Ion Batteries and the Impact on the Automotive Market
Paul Horner, Manager, Dangerous Goods Standards, International Air Transport Association

Vehicle Electrification: Is the Path to Mass Market Open?
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
Highlights Video
“People show what will be the future, but it’s also dealing with practical questions, it’s not just a dream.”
- Muriel Desaeger, Ph.D., Toyota Motor Europe
“We see experts from the car companies, the battery suppliers, and the system integrators. The presentations are of excellent quality.”
- Eckhard Karden, Ph.D., Ford Research & Advanced Engineering
“The annual visit of AABC is a must for any developer or scientist working on battery technologies for automotive applications.”
- Arnold Lamm, Ph.D., Daimler AG

“Thank you for visiting our AABC Europe website. I invite you to review the 2018 Agenda, and encourage you to save the date for 27-31 January 2019.
- Menahem Anderman, Conference Chair